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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What happens in Vegas...and California...

We had a chance to visit our family recently. First we went to Abuello and Nana Karen's in Las Vegas. Then we went to California to Nani's house. We had a great time and more importantly, I made it through a plane ride with 2 children all by myself! Granted, Lola had a major meltdown in the Vegas airport, but luckily a nice old lady walking by took pitty on me and talked Lola out of it.

While we were in Vegas, I was able to go see my side of the family at my Aunt Sharon's lake house. We all got together because my cousin Jonathan's mom died and we had a memorial for her. Here is Lola and her cousin Emma learning to play Texas hold 'em. We train them young in our family! Not really...
Lola and Papi at Abuelo and Nana Karen's pool.

Lola's first trip to Disneyland! We went with Cousin's Chrisite, Alexis, Brianna, Brad, and Emma. Ryan looks incredibly upset, but he was just waiting for a little food here. We were in line at the Haunted Mansion here. Lola really liked it. It was decorated for Halloween and Christmas with a "Nightmare before Christmas" theme. We can't wait to go back with Jordan.
Here's Lola sitting on Brianna's lap during Pirates of the Carribean.

Lola couldn't wait for her Minnie Mouse hat. She was relentlessly asking for it until we made our way to the Mad Hatter. Is it just me or is she posing like a model in her hat for this picture???

Here's Lola and Emma after we got off the Alice in Wonderland ride. The house behind them is just their size!

Lola and Emma in Minnie's House. Lola was not at all happy! She was scared of everything in here. She was also scared of the Disney characters. She screamed and told me to walk on the other side of the street. People say that kids either love them or hate them. There's no question of how Lola feels about them. Hopefully, next time!

Back at Nani's house, Ryan's riding a horse...or is that Nani's leg???

We had a chance to go see Great Grandma. She was so happy to see her great-grandkids. This was the first time she laid eyes on her beefcake great-grandson. She thought he was the "happiest baby she's ever seen!"

We got together with Traci and Kim's kids at the park. Sophie and Lola are on the see-saw here. This was one of the only smily pictures I could get out of Lola that morning. She was so tired, she couldn't even see straight. What do expect when she is having so much fun with her family and barely sleeps for 10 days?

This is just a completely gratuitous picture of the "happiest baby ever!"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's Punkin Time!

Before I post the pictures of our trip to the pumpkin patch, I have to post another conversation I had with Lola. It was Saturday night and it was bedtime. I told her she had to go to the bathroom before we went upstairs to read. She said, "I don't have to go." So I replied, "We always go before bedtime and when was the last time you went, anyway?" Lola's answer almost knocked me off my chair! She said, very seriously, "Last Thursday." Wow! Needless to say, it had only been an hour or so, but oh so cute.

Lola has been waiting for the pumpkins to be ready for so long, so we took the kids to the Castle Rock pumpkin patch last week. It's kind of hokey, but cute for pictures and a some fun!
Here's Jordan, Lola, and Ryan in the giant pumpkin. Not sure what Lola was looking at!

The entire family! Yes, I do exist, for those of you who wonder where I am in all the pictures.

Lola peeking through the tree. Another funny little story...Jordan told her to go put her head in the tree (the one she's looking through). She looked at both of us with a really strange look on her face and started moving VERY slowly toward the tree. We were both wondering why she was moving so slowly and she actually passed the tree cutout. If you look in the picture, you will notice a real tree in a pot to the right of the cutout tree. Poor thing proceeded to put her head in the REAL tree next to the fake one! What a good girl. She does what she's told! We got a good laugh out of that one!

Lola and Ryan. No, Ryan can't stand up yet. He looks like he would be able to, but that's me holding him up behind the tree.

Lola was eager to go play at the little playground they have at the pumpkin patch. That's why she has a squishy look on her face.

Ryan loves all things Papi. He lights up when Jordan walks into the room and laughs harder than at any other time! He is his favorite thing in his little world right now. Who do you think Ryan looks like?????

Monday, October 6, 2008

Conversation with a 2 1/2 year old

Lola: "Mommy, who's God?"
Me: "He is our Heavenly Father."
Lola: "Where is he?"
Me: "He lives in Heaven."
Lola: "Where's Heaven?"
Me: "Umm..."
Lola: "Maybe it's by Walmart."

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Good Times at the Park!

Jordan had the day off and the weather was beautiful so we decided to take the kids to the park. Lola loves to swing. I think she would stay on the swings all day if someone would push her that long! She is getting really brave and wants to go on things she never would have only 4 months ago. Ryan literally just hung out. He didn't enjoy himself quite like Lola because he was tired. But of course when Papi or Lola came around he got a huge smile on his face and you would never know he was grumpy!