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Friday, December 12, 2008

On A Happier Note!

Here are a few recent pictures of the kids. Nothing exciting, but I haven't posted any pictures in so long that I wanted to share a few cute ones!
Lola loves to get in bed with Ryan in the morning. Lola things that squeezing all the blood out of his little hand is showing how much she loves him. But, alas, Ryan is still smiling!

Lola and Emma playing with my old math manipulatives for school. Whatever works!

Ryan is eating peas for the first time...still smiling!That's his smile that makes us crack up! His cheeks swallow the rest of his face. I know he's in there somewhere!

Who's that baby over there?

Still smiling!
Lola thought that was the entire Christmas tree! She couldn't wait to set it up so she held it the whole time Jordan put everything else together!

She helped "decorate" by putting about ten ornaments on one branch. It was beautiful...but I changed it while she wasn't looking!

I figure that's just a little Christmas smirk.

My loving family...or is she strangling him?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Dad

My dad passed away at about 7:25 this evening. It was very peaceful and we were all there with him when he died. Thank you all for your prayers, phone calls and notes. It really means a lot to us.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Update 2

We got the pathology report back this morning. The neurosurgeon explained that the type of cancer my dad has is very aggressive. The words he used are metastatic and anaplastic to describe the tumor in his brain and that it came from most likely his lungs where the tumors are too many to count. He told my mom that he estimated my dad will live about 1 month; however, my dad is very strong so he said he could last longer. He advised that we look into hospice care for the coming weeks. Whether that means at home or elsewhere, we are not sure. Our main concern at this point is that my dad is not suffering. He struggles with speaking, so I imagine he is frustrated. They inserted a feeding tube, so hopefully he will get strong enough to communicate at least. Keep us in your prayers.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Update 1

Today is Thursday and there is not much to update. Because we have not gotten the pathology on the tumor back, the doctors are not moving forward with anything yet. But when they do, they will advise us on what the best plan of action is. They found several tumors on his lungs and his liver has fluid around it. The liver is definitely secondary. The lungs are definitely worrisome. But again, they can't move forward with anything until the pathology report comes back.
He has had no pain meds or sedatives but is is still very sleepy, but he tried to talk to me today. I couldn't understand him, it was very jumbled. I am hoping it is just because he is still so groggy. I just keep expecting him to wake up and talk to us like normal. I told him to wake up and tell us a funny story or cheesy joke like he often does.
Please keep us in your prayers. I will update again by tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Dad

This definitely isn't a happy posting. On Sunday the 16th, my dad had emergency brain surgery due to a brain bleed. The surgeon removed a large tumor from the left side of his frontal lobe. He is currently "asleep;" however, he can move his left arm, his left leg and he has opened his eyes a few times. This morning they removed the breathing tubes and he is breathing well on his own. This morning, he opened his eyes and said, "Hi, Love" to me. It was great to hear his voice, if just for a moment! The nurse wanted to see if he could swallow so she gave him an ice chip. He was able to chew it and we think he swallowed. It's amazing what you think is a great step forward when we weren't sure he'd ever open his eyes again! I will post updates as I get them. It is a very slow process because we are just waiting for him to completely wake up, which seems to be taking forever. We will know more as the days go by. We REALLY appreciate all your prayers. They are working!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat!

This Halloween was especially fun. Lola really understood what was going on and she loved running from house to house to get candy. Eventually she didn't want us to go with her up to doors so we hung back and just listened. When the door would open, she whould either say, "Trick or Treat!" or "Happy Halloween!" Then she'd stick her bag out and after receiving her goods, she'd most always say a great big, "Thank You!" The best part about it though was after it was all done, she never asked to eat any of the candy she received! The bad part about that though is that Jordan and I are left to partake! Ryan went along for the ride. He obviously didn't have any idea how much fun this holiday will one day be for him!

Some friends and I decided to start a homeschool preschool. We are going to alternate teaching at our homes. Last week, Lola learned all about the letter C. She even had a little homework to do over the weekend! I think she had a good time, especially because Jack was there. She enjoyed singing songs, "making" cookies, making the cotton ball clouds rain and reading books. Here are the pictures from her first day.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What happens in Vegas...and California...

We had a chance to visit our family recently. First we went to Abuello and Nana Karen's in Las Vegas. Then we went to California to Nani's house. We had a great time and more importantly, I made it through a plane ride with 2 children all by myself! Granted, Lola had a major meltdown in the Vegas airport, but luckily a nice old lady walking by took pitty on me and talked Lola out of it.

While we were in Vegas, I was able to go see my side of the family at my Aunt Sharon's lake house. We all got together because my cousin Jonathan's mom died and we had a memorial for her. Here is Lola and her cousin Emma learning to play Texas hold 'em. We train them young in our family! Not really...
Lola and Papi at Abuelo and Nana Karen's pool.

Lola's first trip to Disneyland! We went with Cousin's Chrisite, Alexis, Brianna, Brad, and Emma. Ryan looks incredibly upset, but he was just waiting for a little food here. We were in line at the Haunted Mansion here. Lola really liked it. It was decorated for Halloween and Christmas with a "Nightmare before Christmas" theme. We can't wait to go back with Jordan.
Here's Lola sitting on Brianna's lap during Pirates of the Carribean.

Lola couldn't wait for her Minnie Mouse hat. She was relentlessly asking for it until we made our way to the Mad Hatter. Is it just me or is she posing like a model in her hat for this picture???

Here's Lola and Emma after we got off the Alice in Wonderland ride. The house behind them is just their size!

Lola and Emma in Minnie's House. Lola was not at all happy! She was scared of everything in here. She was also scared of the Disney characters. She screamed and told me to walk on the other side of the street. People say that kids either love them or hate them. There's no question of how Lola feels about them. Hopefully, next time!

Back at Nani's house, Ryan's riding a horse...or is that Nani's leg???

We had a chance to go see Great Grandma. She was so happy to see her great-grandkids. This was the first time she laid eyes on her beefcake great-grandson. She thought he was the "happiest baby she's ever seen!"

We got together with Traci and Kim's kids at the park. Sophie and Lola are on the see-saw here. This was one of the only smily pictures I could get out of Lola that morning. She was so tired, she couldn't even see straight. What do expect when she is having so much fun with her family and barely sleeps for 10 days?

This is just a completely gratuitous picture of the "happiest baby ever!"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's Punkin Time!

Before I post the pictures of our trip to the pumpkin patch, I have to post another conversation I had with Lola. It was Saturday night and it was bedtime. I told her she had to go to the bathroom before we went upstairs to read. She said, "I don't have to go." So I replied, "We always go before bedtime and when was the last time you went, anyway?" Lola's answer almost knocked me off my chair! She said, very seriously, "Last Thursday." Wow! Needless to say, it had only been an hour or so, but oh so cute.

Lola has been waiting for the pumpkins to be ready for so long, so we took the kids to the Castle Rock pumpkin patch last week. It's kind of hokey, but cute for pictures and a some fun!
Here's Jordan, Lola, and Ryan in the giant pumpkin. Not sure what Lola was looking at!

The entire family! Yes, I do exist, for those of you who wonder where I am in all the pictures.

Lola peeking through the tree. Another funny little story...Jordan told her to go put her head in the tree (the one she's looking through). She looked at both of us with a really strange look on her face and started moving VERY slowly toward the tree. We were both wondering why she was moving so slowly and she actually passed the tree cutout. If you look in the picture, you will notice a real tree in a pot to the right of the cutout tree. Poor thing proceeded to put her head in the REAL tree next to the fake one! What a good girl. She does what she's told! We got a good laugh out of that one!

Lola and Ryan. No, Ryan can't stand up yet. He looks like he would be able to, but that's me holding him up behind the tree.

Lola was eager to go play at the little playground they have at the pumpkin patch. That's why she has a squishy look on her face.

Ryan loves all things Papi. He lights up when Jordan walks into the room and laughs harder than at any other time! He is his favorite thing in his little world right now. Who do you think Ryan looks like?????

Monday, October 6, 2008

Conversation with a 2 1/2 year old

Lola: "Mommy, who's God?"
Me: "He is our Heavenly Father."
Lola: "Where is he?"
Me: "He lives in Heaven."
Lola: "Where's Heaven?"
Me: "Umm..."
Lola: "Maybe it's by Walmart."

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Good Times at the Park!

Jordan had the day off and the weather was beautiful so we decided to take the kids to the park. Lola loves to swing. I think she would stay on the swings all day if someone would push her that long! She is getting really brave and wants to go on things she never would have only 4 months ago. Ryan literally just hung out. He didn't enjoy himself quite like Lola because he was tired. But of course when Papi or Lola came around he got a huge smile on his face and you would never know he was grumpy!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

They grow up so fast!

It's been a while since I've posted any pictures of the kids, and I know that who you all want to see!

I was ironing Jordan's clothes the other day and Lola tried on his shirt. She played in it for about 20 minutes. I obviously had to roll up the sleeves.

Lola is completely potty trained (even night time is fabulous)! She even goes in there all by herself now and takes care of business then washes her hands. We're so proud! I never thought I'd be so excited about someone going to the bathroom and washing her hands.

She asks me questions that make me think about how I should answer sometimes. A few days ago, we were in the grocery store and we walked by the toy aisle. Of course she saw them and she asked, "Mommy, can I have a toy?" I replied, "No." Lola asked, "Why?" I had to think about it for a minute, then I answered, "Well, it's not on my list." Immediatley she came back with, "Well, it's on MY list!" I laughed for the rest of our time in the grocery store!
Sometimes Lola thinks it's funny to eat "like a baby" and use her hands. I don't thinks its all too funny when I have to change her clothes and practically give her a bath!

When Jordan and I were away at Beaver Creek, she stayed over at my parents house. When I told her where we were going, I told her we were going to the mountains. You can see the Rocky Mountains from my parents backyard and she looked out the back doors and exclaimed, "Yaya, I can't see my mommy!" No mention of Jordan though, poor guy.

Ryan is huge. I think I can see him growing sometimes, and he's not even on solid food yet. When he does, look out! My dad thinks he's going to be a giant football player, but he will catch up to himself sooner or later. He's sleeping very well now at night, thank goodness, and he is getting on a schedule that I can almost depend on during the day. I like some order!

He's big enough now to ride in his stroller without his car seat. He enjoyed our very short walk. We realized that the sun was way too strong for a little guy to be out in it for any length of time here. The sun is too intense. There have been reports of 2 year olds with skin cancer in the Denver area. What's that all about?

Monday, September 22, 2008


Jordan and I went away to Beaver Creek this weekend all alone! Lola and Ryan stayed at Yaya and Grandpa's house (that's my mom and dad). I was a little nervous to leave the kids for so long because we had never done that before, but my parents said it went prertty well. Lola is still in her crib, so it was very different for her to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. The first night, she tried to get in head first and they had a hard time maneuvering her back out. But she got used to it and slept OK. She didn't take naps there though because she able to get out so easily. On our way home from the mountains she told me on the phone that she was tired. I knew she must be absolutely exhausted to admit to being tired. When we finally got the kids home she fell asleep before her head hit the pillow!

We stayed at a gorgeous little place called the Poste Montane. It only has 24 rooms and it was extra quiet because we were there during the off-season. There weren't even many people in the village. It was so nice to have some major peace and quiet after the madness that is sometimes our household. We had some great food and saw some beautiful places. The trees are all turning colors right now and it is about the prettiest scenery I have ever seen. Our pictures don't do it justice.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Nani!

Lola wants to send her birthday wishes to Nani via video. Enjoy...and make sure to turn up your volume and listen for her extra special treat for all of you. I promise it wasn't the videographer. Since Ryan isn't able to voice his excitement for Nani's birthday, here is a really enthusiastic looking picture of him.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Shake Your Booty!

Tonight Ryan "stood" in his exersaucer and he was giddy with excitement. His eyes couldn't move fast enough to see all his new toys! You can see by the picture that he opened his eyes as wide as possible to take it all in.

Lola was excited to see him in there as well, so she decided to do a little dancing. You can see her "shaking her booty" when she leans forward and swings her arms back and forth. She often does this while naked, but she decided to do it in her clothes this time. She also likes to do the splits (or so she thinks). After I finished taking this video of her, she told me her legs hurt. I told her that I could see why!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Meet Miss Potty and Mr. Monster

Horray! Lola is potty training and doing so well. It's so nice not to have to change 2 sets of diapers. She tells me when she has to go and then she tells me not to come in the bathroom with her. I guess she needs her privacy! She gets a sticker on her "Special Potty Chart" after she goes each time on the potty and she feels really proud of herself.

Meanwhile, Ryan is growing like a little monster. I can barely carry him in his infant seat anymore without sweating. I am taking him to the doctor on September 15th for his 4 month check-up (yes, he's almost 4 months old!) and we'll see how much he weighs at his appointment.

He smiles all the time. He really loves it when anyone talks to him. He laughs a lot too. Not the big belly laughs, but those cute little giggles moms and dads love to hear!