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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Update 2

We got the pathology report back this morning. The neurosurgeon explained that the type of cancer my dad has is very aggressive. The words he used are metastatic and anaplastic to describe the tumor in his brain and that it came from most likely his lungs where the tumors are too many to count. He told my mom that he estimated my dad will live about 1 month; however, my dad is very strong so he said he could last longer. He advised that we look into hospice care for the coming weeks. Whether that means at home or elsewhere, we are not sure. Our main concern at this point is that my dad is not suffering. He struggles with speaking, so I imagine he is frustrated. They inserted a feeding tube, so hopefully he will get strong enough to communicate at least. Keep us in your prayers.


Fisher Family said...

Wow Amanda...please call if you want to chat or need anything! I hope your dad gains strength and is able to talk to you soon!

Kelly Frye said...

Amanda, I am so sorry. I know every situation is different but I can understand some of the things you are feeling. Take every opportunity to tell your dad you love him. I don't want to bug you because I know it is probably hectic but if you want to just talk I am a listening ear! I will keep praying for you and your dad.

Anonymous said...

Amanda- I am so sorry. I know you will call me when you can. If you need anything please call. Our prayers and thoughts are with you at this time.
I love you,

Aryn said...

Sure love you, Miss Amanda - sending lots of prayers and thoughts and love from Las Vegas.

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda,

We're praying for your dad, this is all coming as such a shock as your dad has always been so strong.

We are also praying that your dad gains strength enough to communicate with all of you.

You, your dad and your family are all in our prayers. If there is anything at all we can do, please let us know. Please let your mom know that we are praying for all of you everyday!

Bob, Carrie (& girls), Bruce & Gwen

Denny said...

Love you Amanda! Wish we were closer so you could lean on us a bit. We love you, love you, love you. xoxo

The Beidle Family said...

Amanda ~ I am sure this is overwhelming to digest. We are thinking of you and praying for your Dad and all of you. What a blessing that you are all here together. Please, please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Love ~ Jen