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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Dad

My dad passed away at about 7:25 this evening. It was very peaceful and we were all there with him when he died. Thank you all for your prayers, phone calls and notes. It really means a lot to us.


The Beidle Family said...

Amanda ~ Oh...My heart aches for you. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Thank you for taking the time to update...I just happened to check it before bed to see how I could be praying...I am sure your moments are quiet and your tears are heavy. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Love ~ Jen, Tom and Brees.

Cynthia said...

Amanda, what heartbreaking news. I am so sad for you and your family. I just pray that you will feel the loving arms of the Comforter enfold you at this overwhelmingly difficult time. I am thinking of you and sending prayers your way.

Meghan, Carson and the Kiddos said...

Amanda, I'm so sorry for your loss Please let me know what I can do for you and your family. I'm so glad that you were there for the experience. I cherish the opportunity that I had to be with my mom when she passed. elieve it or not, at some point in your life, it will mean a lot to you. You and your family are in our prayers and when I get back into town, please allow me the opportunity to do something for you and your family. Whatever you need, let me know!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. Your Dad adored you and I am so sorry for your loss. I wish I lived closer to you to help you in any way you need...it is really difficult being so far away. I trust that you will let me know if I can do anything at all for you and your family. I love you and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Kelly Frye said...

I am so sorry. I don't even know what to say. I am glad all of your family was with your dad. I will be praying for strength for you and your mom...you will need it! Call me if you just want to cry and talk. love, Kelly

Fisher Family said...

Amanda, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I don't even know what to say, but you know I am always here for you if you need to talk! Your family is in our prayers. Love, Lindsey

Denny said...

I am so, so sorry! I can't even imagine or begin to understand how you must feel. I am grateful that it was very peaceful and you were able to be with him. I know you will see him again. Love you.xoxo

Janine said...

Amanda -

I am sorry to hear the news. You know my thoughts and prayers are with your family. I am glad you were able to be with your dad during this time. Love ya!!!!!

Krogulski Family said...

Amanda- I am so sorry to hear about your father. This is so heartbreaking. Please no my thoughts are with you.


Anonymous said...

Amanda, I'm so terribly sorry for what you've been through with this loss. Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Lots of love, Emily

Maegan said...

I am so sorry. I am glad that it was peaceful. Please call me if there is anything I can do.

Aryn said...

Amanda, I've been thinking about you all weekend. What a blessing to be able to be with him at that sacred time. My thoughts and prayers are with you, that you can find some peace at this difficult time... love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so grateful your dad went peacefully and you could all be there. I know he'll be watching out for you, Lola, your mom, and your whole family. I hope you know we're here for you if you need anything.

Amy, Dave, Jack, and Macy

Anonymous said...


I just want you to know I read you blog too! I love you...


Lolo said...

Amanda, I am so sad for you! I am thinking of you and your Mom lots since I found out yesterday. Your Dad is such a great man and I am glad you will get to see him and hear his cheesy jokes again someday. I am praying that you guys will have strength to get through this very difficult time. I am hoping you are feeling peace. Love, Lorile