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Sunday, September 28, 2008

They grow up so fast!

It's been a while since I've posted any pictures of the kids, and I know that who you all want to see!

I was ironing Jordan's clothes the other day and Lola tried on his shirt. She played in it for about 20 minutes. I obviously had to roll up the sleeves.

Lola is completely potty trained (even night time is fabulous)! She even goes in there all by herself now and takes care of business then washes her hands. We're so proud! I never thought I'd be so excited about someone going to the bathroom and washing her hands.

She asks me questions that make me think about how I should answer sometimes. A few days ago, we were in the grocery store and we walked by the toy aisle. Of course she saw them and she asked, "Mommy, can I have a toy?" I replied, "No." Lola asked, "Why?" I had to think about it for a minute, then I answered, "Well, it's not on my list." Immediatley she came back with, "Well, it's on MY list!" I laughed for the rest of our time in the grocery store!
Sometimes Lola thinks it's funny to eat "like a baby" and use her hands. I don't thinks its all too funny when I have to change her clothes and practically give her a bath!

When Jordan and I were away at Beaver Creek, she stayed over at my parents house. When I told her where we were going, I told her we were going to the mountains. You can see the Rocky Mountains from my parents backyard and she looked out the back doors and exclaimed, "Yaya, I can't see my mommy!" No mention of Jordan though, poor guy.

Ryan is huge. I think I can see him growing sometimes, and he's not even on solid food yet. When he does, look out! My dad thinks he's going to be a giant football player, but he will catch up to himself sooner or later. He's sleeping very well now at night, thank goodness, and he is getting on a schedule that I can almost depend on during the day. I like some order!

He's big enough now to ride in his stroller without his car seat. He enjoyed our very short walk. We realized that the sun was way too strong for a little guy to be out in it for any length of time here. The sun is too intense. There have been reports of 2 year olds with skin cancer in the Denver area. What's that all about?


Litte Yellow Sew Shop said...

Can not wait for you guys to visit! Not going to lie Lola looks like me in the picture of her eating, with her feet all up on the chair! Hope Ryan is excited to meet his Tia, I just want to squeeze him!

Kelly Frye said...

Ryan is getting so BIG!! Lola is so cute too!