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Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Big Fella!

Ryan turned one on May 13th. We took him to the zoo and he had a great time. He really liked the ducks and geese that meandered around on their own. He also liked seeing the peacoks that are free to roam the zoo grounds. A little chipmunk got pretty close to the stroller at one point and he got a little nervous, but other than that he had a great day.

Jordan and I have been trying to get him to point to his nose when we ask him where his nose is, but he keeps looking over his shoulder like its behind him! Hysterical! We ask him what a snake says and he hisses like a cat. Super cute, too.

Ryan started walking on Mother's Day. What a great gift! He has a really cute pair of sandels that look funny on his feet. Since his feet are so chubby the fat seeps out between the straps!

This bear was seriously hanging out in the tree. I thought he was so cute!

The kids had a great day and they both slept all the way home. I had to wake them up when we pulled into the garage!

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ahhh....I am so happy Spring is here! I love hearing the birds, wearing short sleeve shirts, playing outside and opening the windows in the house! That is something that really makes me smile! Here are a few pictures of the kids out and about.

We were lounging around a few nights ago and Ryan and Lola were entertaining us! Ryan took a trip into the shower and Lola decided to show us her funny faces. They are mostly all the same, but cute nonetheless!

Ryan thought he'd try hiding out under the sink. He took everything out and spread it all over the floor. Fun to watch, not fun to clean up!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let's Catch Up, Shall We?

Wow. It's been quite a while since I have updated our blog. I haven't dropped completely off the grid, just kinda! I am going to try to post new pictures once a week like I was doing before. Now that I've said it, I will have to, right?

Things have been OK around here. Not too much to report (which I think is a good thing). Ryan has 2 bottom teeth as of right now, but his gums look like they are about to explode, so I think any day now he'll be getting a bunch more. Poor little guy is pretty miserable, but he's still smiling! He is trying to stand up on his own, but he gets nervous and sits down quickly. He crawls so fast sometimes we have to hustle to get him. I can only imagine what it will be like when he starts walking...or should I say running? Ryan loves Lola. When she leaves the room, he cries.

Lola is a crack up. Every morning after she wakes up she puts a leotard and tights OVER her pajamas. She dances for me and sings pretty much all day. She says really funny things, too. The other night we had put both kids to sleep and a few minutes later Lola came downstairs and said that she had to go to the bathroom. So she went in and several minutes later I walked in to see what she was doing and I asked her if she was finished. She said, "I didn't go yet because my butt wasn't trying!" I cracked up!

Here's a few recent pictures:

I had put Lola to sleep in her own bed and a little while later I went up to check on her. She had moved herself to the floor to sleep on Lulu the Lamb. It looks like she is sucking her thumb here, but her had was just next to her face.
Jordan, Lola, Ryan, my mom, and I went to Boulder for the day. It was a lot of fun. Good restaurants and lots of fun people to see.

Here's Lola getting ready to go outside with Jordan to make a snowman. She got bored so it really only ended up being a small mound of snow. But they had a great time.

Just thought this was a cute one!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Happy girl!

This was one of Lola's favorite gifts. She got a baby stroller set from Yaya. She's obviously screaming about this one!

Woah! Too. Heavy.

Lola's been asking for a pair of sunglasses lately. She got these sassy things and can't get enough of them!

Ryan was so excited about this computer from Tia that he tipped over right after opening it!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We had a lot of fun this year, despite the circumstances, because this was the first year Lola understood the excitement that comes along with this holiday. On Christmas Eve, we sprinkled magic dust and Reindeer food (thanks Kim) outside so Santa and his team could find us. Lola thought that was really fun and was very concerned whether or not the reindeer liked it or not.

Christmas morning was exiting. She woke us up at about 6:45 and we waited a while for my mom to venture out of the guest room. Lola was very patient, but ready to head downstairs. Jordan waited downstairs to take some video so he got the best angle to see how excited she was.

I have tried several times to post the video, but I can't get them on here. Does anyone have any advice on this?????

Yummy. Nice new hat from Santa, too!

Does he look tired or what? Not Ryan, Jordan!

Stocking time! This is my personal favorite part of Christmas.

This is not from Christmas, but cute nonetheless. Check out his hair!

This isn't from Christmas either. Just a smily boy picture!